Have you ever given more thought into safety equipment? Things like spill kits, spill pallets, floor sweeps, spill mats, pillows, booms.
From WHS Regulations we know we need to have safety equipment in place to protect us, to protect property and to protect the environment. However buying a spill kit and put it somewhere in the warehouse doesn’t necessarily mean that it suits your business and the requirements.
Do you know which spill kit you need?
Do you know what is in the spill kit?
Spill Kits, Absorbents and Floor SweepsWhat type of portable spill containment is best suited for your purpose?
Spill ContainmentHave you done a proper review of your needs and the requirements? Maybe you have safety equipment in place that doesn’t fit its purpose. Maybe you have too little, or too much safety equipment in place. Maybe the location of the safety equipment is unsuitable. And maybe your staff do not have the induction and training to use the safety equipment in the way it is intended.
Maybe it is time to let us have a look at your situation and provide you with assistance, pointers to direct you in the right direction……