Thank you for your support in 2020

2020 seasons greetings

Thank you for your support for DGM Australia and Orp Consultancy in 2020.  Hasn’t it been a massive year?!  Through our training programs, our dangerous goods consultancy services and our label, placards and packaging items we hope that we have made the shipping and storage of dangerous goods safer for all.

2020 gave rise to some unexpected requirements.The extensive use of hand sanitiser with its high alcohol content; the massive spike in the use of digital equipment powered by lithium batteries; and the impact that the airline downturn had on freight shipping around the world.These stand out as notable aspects of dangerous goods we responded to in 2020.Our expertise and assistance provided assurance around storage and safety for many organisations and individuals.

Stay safe and enjoy the ‘silly season’.We look forward with optimism to the opportunities that 2021 will present both personally and within the dangerous goods industry.We wish you all the best for 2021.