Transport of Lithium Batteries

Lithium Batteries

There is that shipment containing tools with lithium batteries… you have been putting it off for a few weeks now, but the customer really needs it urgently.

The transport of lithium batteries makes you feel uncomfortable and confused…what are the rules again, are these section II lithium batteries or class 9 lithium batteries. Your customers needs these tools urgently, you seem lost in the compliance requirements for the transport of Lithium Batteries. Help!!

Sounds familiar?

It doesn’t have to be that way. We have solved this problem for many others and we can solve t for you too!

How? Simple. Why don’t you sign up for one of our e-learning lithium battery courses?

The transport of Section II lithium Batteries for air, sea and road, or the Class 9 Lithium Battery shipments by airfreight. The courses will give you a step-by-step process of how to classify, handle and document shipments of lithium batteries.

Lithium Batteries, they are not as scary as you think. Get them out of the ‘too hard’ basket and start processing them for transport confidently!

Lithium Ion Batteries

Lithium Ion Cells & Batteries are classified by function of the Watt Hour rating.

  • Section I (full class 9 DG) Lithium Ion Cells have a Wh rating of >20Wh
  • Section I (full class 9 DG) Lithium Ion Batteries have a Wh rating of >100Wh
  • Section II Lithium Ion Cells have a Wh rating of ≤20Wh
  • Section II Lithium Ion Batteries have a Wh rating of ≤100Wh

Lithium Metal Batteries

Lithium Metal Cells & Batteries are classified by function of the Lithium metal content in the cell/battery.

  • Section I Lithium Metal Cells have a lithium content of >1 g
  • Section I Lithium Metal Batteries have a lithium content of >2 g
  • Section II Lithium Metal Cells have a lithium content of ≤1 g
  • Section II Lithium Metal Batteries have a lithium content of ≤2 g

Our E-learning Lithium Batteries Training Programs