Hazardous chemical storage and handling. Regulatory rules, regulations and inspections are part of the safety controls when you store and handle hazardous chemicals. For obvious reasons, things could go horribly wrong if you do not apply a healthy mix of common sense, guidance and regulations to your hazardous chemical processes.
Are you just winging it, “it has been going ok for the past 10 years”, or have you crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s? Are you somewhere in the middle? Or you don’t have a clue where to start to set up your hazardous chemical management system?
- Do you maintain a current hazardous chemical register?
- Do you know the quantities that are on site at any given moment?
- Are you monitoring increase (or decrease) of your hazchem stock?
- Are you familiar with the requirements for minor storage workplace ? Placard quantity workplace? Manifest quantity workplace? Are you familiar with the requirements for retail storage?
- Do you know ventilation guidelines? Spill management guidelines? Ignition points?
- Is spill containment required and if so, have you got the correct area coverage?
- Are you familiar with the segregation requirements?
- Have you got a suitable emergency management plan in place?
- Do you have the time to Organise, Reorganise and Professionalise (ORP) your systems?
![DG Pack Services](https://www.orpconsultancy.com.au/wp-content/uploads/DG-Pack-Services-1024x984.png)
When the time is right for you, contact us for a chat about your hazardous chemical situation and to discuss how we can assist you with organising, reorganising and professionalising your hazardous chemical storage and handling.
Dangerous Goods Consulting